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Sunday, 27 June 2010


ga tau harus mulai darimana, atau menulis prakata apa.. yang pasti saya sudah berkutat satu jam lebih didepan halaman web bernama ini dan tidak tuntas-tuntas mengedit blog ini *mana dipake confrence-an dulu di YM hehe...*

Oke, blog kedua nifh setelah tumblr yang sepertinya akan cukup rutin di update. kenapa ya bahasa Nifh jadi semi-baku gini semenjak masuk kuliah dan mulai menulis sesuai kaidah??^^

Seems i lost my sense...

I touch buttons on the keyboard with no backsound, night become darker each second passed the time..
I'am all alone, I through this day with loads of lessons, life lessons and science knowledge..
i don't understand why i feel more comfortable to write in this outer-language. I can't stop it, its sense captivated me on its unique-rope
I hope i do not wrong..
Sometimes, i really being a thoughtful girl, other time i'm a fragile..soft too soft lol

Ok stop it!
I don't have any intense to continue it now...

Thanks to you who accidentally read this...perhaps. (^_^")

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